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BOF Minutes 02 08 2011
Minutes of the Board of Finance meeting held on Tuesday, February 08, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at the Old Lyme Memorial Town Hall.
Present:~~~~~~~~~~ Regular Members:~ Andrew Russell, Wayne Devoe, H. P. Garvin, III,
                Christopher Kerr, Janet Sturges, David Woolley
Alternate Members:~David Kelsey, Judy Read
Timothy C. Griswold, ex-officio, Nicole Stajduhar, Finance Director
Absent:~~~~~~~~~~~ Regular Members:~  
~Alternate Members:~~ Maggie Ward

Guest:          Scott Boulanger, President, Federation of Beaches
                Barry Harrison, White Sands Beach
Kathleen McKeough, President, Point O’Woods
Ed Adanti, Director, Public Works
Don Bugbee, Director, Parks and Recreation


~Mr. Russell called the meeting to order at 7:02~p.m.~

Minutes of January 18, 2011

The minutes of January 18th were discussed.

There being no changes noted, a motion was made by Mr. Garvin, seconded by Mr. Devoe to approve the minutes as written.  Motion carried.

01-211-1200  Private Beach Associations

7007 Point O Woods

Ms, McKeough stated that Point O’Woods hasn’t received an increase in the past ten years.  There are some significant expenses that Point O’Woods is looking at during this next fiscal year.  Therefore, they are requesting an increase from $20,000 to $80,000.  She stated that Point O’Woods contributes $2.8 million dollars in taxes to the town. POW provides its own security in the winter as well as summer time.  Mr. Russell stated that the taxes went up more due to revaluation rather than the expenses of the town.  Point O’Woods tries to keep its reserves between $60-80,000.  Last year, a portion of its reserves were used in order to reduce its taxes and also spent $110,000 out of its reserves for drainage.  Reserves are down to $200,000 and the Board wants to add around $50,000 a year to reserves.

7014 Federation of Beaches

Mr. Boulanger stated that the Federation of Beaches is requesting $9,000 this year.  This is a $3,000 reduction from last year.  He stated that the Old Lyme Police patrols with the Ford Explorer, as well as the ATV. Mr. Boulanger stated that funding to the Federation is to primarily help with the expense of security.  Mr. Boulanger stated that the Federation will "step it up" this coming year and be more active as a group.

7010 Miami Beach

Scott Boulanger (Miami Beach) addressed the Board, and requested an increase to $30,000.  He explained the need for increased funding and the toll that the parking lots in Sound View (both town-owned and private) bring to Miami Beach with regard to people using the beach and the issues associated with this.  Mr. Boulanger stated that it was difficult listening to Mr. Bugbee, Parks and Recreation Director, speak of the money brought in from the town parking lot fees.  Mr. Boulanger stated that Miami Beach is a private beach, open to the public, and would like to see some additional foot patrol, as well as additional funding, for Miami Beach to help fund added security due to the influx of non-residents spilling onto their beach.  Mr. Boulanger stated that one-half to two-thirds of people using Miami Beach during the summer months are not residents of Miami Beach.  

7008 Old Lyme Shores

Mr. Woolley stated that Old Lyme Shores has requested no increase in the Town’s assistance from last year. Therefore, the request is $13,500.

7009 Old Colony Beach

Mr. Woolley stated that Old Colony Beach has requested an increase from $13,500 to $18,000 due to beach clean-up expenses and road repair work.

7011 White Sand Beach

Barry Harrison stated that White Sand Beach budget request is $16,500, the same as last year.  He stated that White Sand Beach has its own security, and will continue using the same security company.  Dogs that are being walked on the beach remain a health and safety problem year-round.  

7012 Rogers Lake West Shores

Mr. Griswold stated that the amount allocated for Rogers Lake West Shores Association is $5,100.

7013 Hawks Nest Beach

Mr. Garvin stated that Hawks Nest Beach is requesting the same allocation as last year which is $3,100.

Beach Association Discussion

Mr. Griswold reported that many residents who are living year-round in the private beach associations have been complaining about the quality of the Town’s snow plowing in the beaches.  Historically, the town has plowed some or perhaps most roads on a “second priority” basis.  The Board of Selectmen discussed ending this practice since other private roads do not have Town plowing.

In light of the possibility that the Town will stop plowing the private beach association roads, there was discussion on increasing the individual beach association’s allocation to compensate for this.  The Board of Selectmen will research this further and develop a recommendation.  

A motion was made by Mr. Devoe, seconded by Mr. Kerr to approve $101,300 for the beach associations with the breakdown as follows.  Mr. Garvin and Mr. Woolley abstained from voting.  Motion carried.
                        Point O’Woods           $ 20,600
                        White Sand Beach                $ 16,500
                        Miami Beach                     $ 20,000
                        Old Lyme Shores         $ 13,500
                        Old Colony Beach                $ 13,500
                        Rogers Lake West Shores $   5,100
                        Hawks Nest Beach                $   3,100
                        Federation of Beaches           $   9,000

Mr. Russell stated that a motion is needed to move Public Works up on the agenda.  A motion was made by Mr. Kerr, seconded by Mr. Woolley to move Public works up on the agenda.  Motion carried.

203 Public Works

Mr. Adanti highlighted the Public Works budget worksheet and summarized the expenses.  He explained that the fuel line will have an increase as diesel is expected to keep rising to over $4.00 per gallon.  
An increase in vehicle maintenance line is part of an ongoing maintenance program that has been put in place and there will also be an increase in truck parts.  The sand and salt budgets have increased due to the distributor’s increase in prices.

A motion was made by Mr. Devoe, seconded by Mr. Kerr and passed unanimously to approve $438,930 for Public Works.  Motion carried.

01-204-400  Parks and Recreation

0400  Parks and Recreation

Parks and Recreation Director Don Bugbee reviewed the budget with the Board noting that he has requested a zero increase.  He stated that most line items remained the same from last year.  A large item, Contracted Services, in the budget is for custodial fees to Regional District 18 during basketball season.  

A motion was made by Mr. Kerr, seconded by Mrs. Sturges and passed unanimously to approve $86,250 for Parks and Recreation.

0410 Town Woods Park

The Town has contracted Country Lawn and Garden for grounds maintenance services at Town Woods Park under a three years. The contract year runs January through December with a cost of $97,961 for 2011 and a slight increase in the coming year.  There will be an increase in cleaning to twice a week, therefore, increasing that line item.

A motion was made by Mr. Kerr, seconded by Mrs. Sturges and passed unanimously to approve $114,910 for Town Woods Park.  Motion carried.

0420 Fireworks

The expense for the town fireworks must be suspended due to the school renovation project.  Therefore, $10.00 will be placed in that line.

A motion was made by Mr. Kerr, seconded by Mrs. Sturges and passed unanimously to approve $10 for the Fireworks.  Motion carried.

0421  Memorial Day

The expense for Memorial Day remains the same as last year at $4,000.

A motion was made by Mr. Kerr, seconded by Mrs. Sturges and passed unanimously to approve $4,000 for Memorial Day.  Motion carried.

Little League

Mr. Kerr stated that the Town does not fund Little League.  

Don Bugbee spoke to the Board about the importance of maintaining our parks and beaches in a more pro-active way. He stated that the Sound View Parking Lot brings in a substantial amount of revenue.  The Town increased the rates last year by about 50% on weekends/holidays and he feels that, because of the increased rate to park, the Town lost money.  He suggested keeping the higher fees, but allowing the staff to lower the rate charged after 3:30pm and based on other conditions..  

01-210 Capital Project Funds

Mr. Griswold outlined the Capital Project Funds are monies taken out of the operating budget to fund   non-recurring purchases of equipment or services.  The following transfers are recommended:
Revaluation             $  10,000 – a physical revaluation will be coming in FY2015 ($350,000)
        Landfill Closure        $200,000  - this can be revisited and lowered, if need be
        Open Space              $  75,000- Open Space Commission use funding for the Ames property
        Fire Apparatus          $260,000 – need to keep this for fire apparatus and equipment

A motion was made by Mr. Garvin, seconded by Mr. Devoe to approve $545,000 for Capital Project Funds.  Motion carried.

01-215-1500 Debt Services

Mrs. Stajduhar stated that the Debt Service Principal will be $250,000 and the Debt Service Interest will be $103,813.

A motion was made by Mr. Kerr, seconded by Mr. Devoe and passed unanimously to approve $353,813 for Debt Service principal and interest.  Motion carried.

Selectman’s Report

Probate:  Mr. Griswold said that the Probate Agreement between the four towns has been finalized and will be adopted by the Board of Selectmen in March.  The budget is still being finalized.

Recycling carts:  There was a discussion on the recycling carts and the related costs.  Mr. Devoe once again dragged out the carts and demonstrated the sturdiness between the contending carts.  Notwithstanding the lower price of the Cascade cart, Mr. Devoe favors the Schaefer cart.

Mrs. Sturges made a motion, seconded by Mr. Devoe to reiterate the Board of Finance’s recommendation that the Town of Old Lyme purchase the carts made by Schaefer.

Mr. Russell stated that the next Board of Finance meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 15, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.  Budgets for Social Services, Senior Citizens, Fire Services, Valley Shore and Sanitation - MSW are scheduled for discussion.

A motion was then made by Mr. Kerr, seconded by Mr. Devoe and passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Michele Hayes-Finn